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Alas! the scene was soon to change, and trials awaited that spiritwhich, in the midst of sunshine, had so beautifully striven to prepareitself a shelter from the storm. The two brothers of Miss Aguilar, whomshe tenderly loved, left the paternal roof to be placed far from theirfamily at school. Her mother's health necessitated a painful anddangerous operation; and from that time, for several years, alternatehopes and fears, through long and dreary watchings beside the sick-bedof that beloved mother, became the portion of her gifted child. But eventhis depressing and arduous change in the duties of her existence didnot suspend her literary pursuits and labors. She profited by all theintervals she could command, and wrote the tale of the "Martyr," the"Spirit of Judaism," and "Israel Defended;" the latter translated fromthe French at the earnest request of a friend, and printed only forprivate circulation. The "Magic Wreath," a little poetical work, and thefirst our authoress ever published, dedicated to the Right Honorable theCountess of Munster, also appeared about this time.

His brother, as full of mirth and mischief, and as noisy andlaughter-loving as Herbert was quiet and thoughtful, made his way atonce, winning regard by storm, and retaining it by his frank andgenerous qualities, which made him a favorite with young and old. Evenin his hours of study, there was not the least evidence of reflection orsoberness. As a child he had had much to contend with, in the way ofpassion, pride, and self-will; but his home influence had been such ajudicious blending of indulgence and firmness on the part of both hisparents, such a persevering inculcation of a strong sense of duty,religious and moral, that at fifteen his difficulties had been allnearly overcome; and, except when occasional acts of thoughtlessness andhasty impulse lured him into error and its painful consequences, he wasas happy and as good a lad as even his anxious mother could desire.

Download the A Brother for a Brother full movie italian dubbed in torrent

"Nor I myself for mine," replied Percy, so strangely cheered, that healmost laughed at Herbert's very novel idea, and after listening withearnest interest to his story, took courage and told his own. Herbert inthis instance, however, could not comfort him as successfully as usual.The satire was the terrible thing; every thing else but that, even thedisobedience of the debt, he thought might be easily remedied by an openconfession to his father; but that unfortunate oversight in not lookingover his papers before he sent them to Mr. Harris, the seeming utterimpossibility to stop their circulation, was to both thesesingle-hearted, high-principled lads something almost overwhelming. Itdid not in the least signify to either that Percy might never be knownas their author. Herbert could not tell him what to do, except that, ifhe could but get sufficient courage to tell their father, even if hecould not help them, he was sure it would be a great weight off hismind, and then he gently reproached him for not coming to him to helphim discharge his debt; it was surely much better to owe a trifle to hisbrother than to Mr. Harris.

For full a year after Edward's departure, Ellen's conduct and generalimprovement had given her aunt nothing but pleasure; even MissHarcourt's and Caroline's prejudice was nearly removed, though, attimes, the fancy would steal over both that she was not exactly what sheseemed, and that that which was hidden was not exactly that which Mrs.Hamilton believed it; and this fancy strengthened by a certainindefinable yet felt change in Ellen, commencing about thirteen monthsafter she had parted from her brother. Mrs. Hamilton herself, for sometime strove against belief, but at length she could no longer concealfrom herself that Ellen was becoming reserved again, and fearful, attimes almost shrinking, and sad, as in her childhood. The openness, andalmost light-heartedness, which for one brief year had so characterizedher, seemed completely but so insensibly to have gone, that Mrs.Hamilton could not satisfy herself as to the time of the commencement,or reason of the change. Her temper, too, became fitful, and altogetherher aunt's anxiety and bewilderment as to her real character returned infull force. Once, when gently questioned as to why her temper was soaltered, Ellen confessed with tears, that she knew it was, but she couldnot help it, she believed she was not well; and Mrs. Hamilton called inMr. Maitland, who said that she really was in a highly nervous state,and required care and quietness, and the less notice that was taken ofher momentary irritability or depression the better. Little did theworthy man imagine how his young patient blessed him for these words;giving a reason for and so allowing the trepidation which paled hercheek, parched her lips, and made her hand so tremble, when she receiveda letter from her brother, to pass unnoticed.

"I do not think you have forgotten it, my dear uncle," replied Ellen,gratefully (she had not yet opened her brother's letter); "for my auntsays, I am to thank you as well as her for this beautiful birthdaygift," and she displayed an elegant little gold watch; "indeed, I do notknow how to thank you for all your kindness!" she added, so earnestlythat tears came to her eyes.

Ellen rose slowly and painfully, and seating herself at the table, somedistance from her aunt, leaned her arms upon it, and buried her facewithin them. Never before, and never after did half an hour appear sointerminable to either Mrs. Hamilton or Ellen. It was well for thefirmness of the former, perhaps, that she could not read the heart ofthat young girl, even if the cause of its anguish had been stillconcealed. Again and again did the wild longing, turning her actuallyfaint and sick with its agony, come over her to reveal the whole, to askbut rest and mercy for herself, pardon and security for Edward; but thenclear as held before her in letters of fire she read every word of herbrother's desperate letter, particularly "Breathe it to my uncle oraunt, for if she knows it he will, and you will never see me more." Hermother, pallid as death, seemed to stand before her, freezing confessionon her heart and lips, looking at her threateningly, as she had so oftenseen her, as if the very thought were guilt. The rapidly advancingtwilight, the large and lonely room, all added to that fearful illusion,and if Ellen did succeed in praying, it was with desperate fervor, forstrength not to betray her brother. If ever there were a martyr spirit,it was enshrined in that young, frail form.

"I can not grant your request, Ellen, for to refuse it, appears to methe only means of softening you. It may be a full fortnight before I canwrite to Edward, for we must receive letters first. If during thatinterval you choose to give me the only proof of repentance that cansatisfy me, or bring the least hope of returning happiness to yourself,I shall now know how to act. I would indeed spare your brother thisbitter shame, but if you continue thus obdurate, no entreaties will moveme. Rise, and go with Ellis. Punishment and misery, repentance andpardon, are all before you; you alone can choose. I shall interfere nomore, till your uncle's sentence comes." And longing to end this painfulscene, for her mistress's sake, Ellis led Ellen from the room, andconducted her to the apartments assigned her. She felt much too angryand annoyed at the pain and trouble Ellen, was giving her mistress, toevince any thing like kindness toward her at first, but she had not beenunder her care above a week before her feelings underwent a completechange.

Suffering as she was enduring, more especially from the conviction,that to every one of those she loved (for affection for each one of thefamily had now returned with almost passionate violence) she must be anobject of hate and loathing, yet that her sin was known, was a relief soinexpressibly blessed, she felt strengthened to endure every thing else.She knew, and her God knew, the agonized temptation to the momentaryact, and the cause of her determined silence. She felt there was strangecomfort in that; though she knew no punishment could be too severe forthe sin itself, and she prayed constantly to be enabled to bear it, andstill not to betray her brother; and the consequence of these petitionswas a calm, gentle, deeply submissive demeanor. Not a murmur ever passedher lips, and Ellis scarcely ever saw the signs of tears, which shelonged for; for the quiet, but fearfully intense suffering, Ellen's veryevident daily portion, alarmed her for its effect upon her alwaysdelicate health. As yet, however, there was no outward appearance of itsfailing, it rather bore up, from the cessation of the nervous dread andconstant terror, which she had endured before; and before Mr. Hamilton'sletter arrived, a month after the fatal discovery, Ellis had drawn herown conclusions, and her manner, instead of being distant and cold, hadbecome so excessively kind and feeling, that the poor girl felt someheavy change must be impending, she dared not look to the continuance ofsuch comfort.

"Do not urge her now, dear my lady, she is not well enough; give hertill Master Edward comes; I am sure she will not resist him," answeredEllis, very respectfully, though meaningly, as her look drew hermistress's attention to the shudder which convulsed Ellen's slightframe, at the mention of her brother.

"My dear Ellen, what can I do to remove these mistaken impressions? Ilove you, and your father loved you, because you have qualities claimingour love quite as powerfully as your brother. You must not imaginebecause you may be less personally and mentally favored, that you areinferior to him, either in the sight of your Heavenly Father, or ofthe friends and guardians He has given you. And even if such were thecase, and you were as undeserving as you so wrongly imagine yourself, myduty, as that of your mother, would be just the same. A parent does notlove and guide her children according to their individual merits, mydear Ellen, but according to the fountain of love which, to enable herto do her duty, God has so mercifully placed in her heart; and thereforethose who have the least attractions and the most faults, demand thegreater cherishing to supply the place of the one, and more carefulguiding to overcome the other. Do you quite understand me, love." 2ff7e9595c


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