asterisk*CLI> module show like dahdi.soModule Description Use DAHDI Telephony Driver w/PRI & SS7 DAHDI Timing Interface Generic DAHDI Transcoder Codec Translato 03 modules loaded
Asterisk cmd StripMSD
; MFC-R2 signaling has lots of variants from country to country and even sometimes; minor variants inside the same country. The only mandatory parameters here are:; mfcr2_variant, mfcr2_max_ani and mfcr2_max_dnis.; IT IS RECOMMENDED that you leave the default values (leaving it commented) for the; other parameters unless you have problems or you have been instructed to change some; parameter. OpenR2 library uses the mfcr2_variant parameter to try to determine the; best defaults for your country, also refer to the OpenR2 package directory; doc/asterisk/ where you can find sample configurations for some countries. If you; want to contribute your configs for a particular country send them to the e-mail; of the primary OpenR2 developer that you can find in the AUTHORS file of the OpenR2 package
import;import org.asteriskjava.manager.AuthenticationFailedException;import org.asteriskjava.manager.ManagerConnection;import org.asteriskjava.manager.ManagerConnectionFactory;import org.asteriskjava.manager.TimeoutException;import org.asteriskjava.manager.action.*;import org.asteriskjava.manager.response.ManagerResponse; 2ff7e9595c